Tag : construction

A Wonderful Pavilion for Gathering And Experiencing Art

This project is a proposal for the Serpentine Pavilion. It features a gathering and socializing…

Coconut Shack made of Bending Bamboo at Bamboo U Campus

Testing And Applying Innovative Heat-bending Techniques In Bamboo

Join us in the process of building a curved structure using heat-bent bamboo!

BAMBOO U - Bamboo Structure Details

Is Bamboo a Reliable and Resilient Construction Material for Natural Disasters Like Earthquakes?

Bamboo structures can survive earthquakes if they are designed, constructed, and maintained well. They are…

The Kyrgyzs-Andean Bamboo Yurt’s ceiling or tunduk,

Building a Bamboo Yurt in Ecuador

Follow Mateo Sáenz’s journey as he builds a bamboo yurt inspired by a traditional Kyrgyzstan…

BAMBOO U - Smoking and Heating Bamboo

Vernacular Methods Of Treating Bamboo You Should Know

The 4 methods used traditionally to treat bamboo including, harvesting, leaching, fermentation, smoking, and salt-water…

Mudlime Wall

Creating Sturdy Bamboo Walls With Mud And Lime

The combination of bamboo and lime/mud is an amazing building technique to build walls for…

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