Student Name: Preston Hartwick
Name of Project: The Overlook
Attended Bamboo U Online Immersion 2021 May
Country: Hong Kong
Profession: Architect, Urban Farming
Hi, my name is Preston. Originally born in the US, I grew up in Hong Kong and have always enjoyed building things. My first (and only) bamboo structure was the bamboo house I made for my dog.
I work in the urban farming industry, so the sustainability aspect of bamboo cultivation interests me. I dream of one day starting a bamboo farm and building bamboo structures on the land. I joined Bamboo U to get a head start on the long process of learning ahead.
I learned pretty much everything I know about bamboo through this course. It has given me confidence that bamboo has a future filled with massive potential, and the inspiration to be a part of it.
The Bamboo Building Concept
The structure is roughly 7x11x4 meters. It is a multi-use structure that overlooks a fertile tropical landscape, and can be used as a: camping shelter, picnic spot, gathering place, bird watching hut or meditation space.
I wanted to build a fairly simple, organic structure, but quickly realized that it’s more difficult than it looks to bring an idea from paper to life. You can’t rely on any of the simple right angle joints of normal carpentry. I started out with getting the basic frame as close as I could to the drawing, and then just letting the bamboo guide me from there. Most of the support pieces were all added on the fly, as I tested what pieces were needed structurally to give strength and flexibility to the model. Since this structure is intended to be built on a slope, I built a platform as well to give the project more dimension.
Join the upcoming Bamboo Online Immersion on January 7th. Click here for details.
Originally born in the US, he grew up in Hong Kong and always enjoyed building things. Preston works in the urban farming industry and the sustainability aspect of bamboo cultivation interests him. He dreams of starting a bamboo farm and building bamboo structures on the land.
August 16-27, 2024
The 11 Day Bamboo Build & Design Course in Bali
In 11 days, we'll show you how to build bamboo structures we’ll share all that it takes to build with nature.
Open Enrollment for September 20th
The Fundamentals of Building with Bamboo Online Course
All the fundamentals you need to get you started working with bamboo. Deep dive into cinematic videos and step-by-step guides that will provide you with a strong understanding of bamboo as a design and building material.