Category : Design

UWA School of Design at Bamboo U

Hear from Dr. Rosangela Tenorio an Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia School…

BAMBOO U - Eclipse House at Green Village

Women in Bamboo

In this article, we recognize the work of women leaders in the bamboo industry. Their…

BAMBOO U - Bamboo U Hall at Bamboo U Campus, Bali

Hyperbolic Paraboloids in Bamboo Architecture

In the modern world of bamboo construction, you can find a wide range of complex…

BAMBOO U - Bamboo Architect's Essential Toolkits

Bamboo Architect’s Essential Toolkit

While working on your bamboo design, either professionally or for your own passion project, you…


Bamboo Pioneers

The seven people that have led the way to what bamboo building is today.

BAMBOO U - Bird House by Jesslyn Hong

Building A Bamboo Bird House

Follow the journey of crafting a bamboo bird house from scratch in just 4 days…

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