Category : In-House

Building A Traditional Roof Using Bamboo Splits: The Sirap Roofing Technique

Learn about Sirap, the Indonesian bamboo split roofing, for curvilinear, nature-inspired roof designs.

BAMBOO U - Bamboo in Uganda 1

Building A Bamboo Industry In Uganda

Building a bamboo industry in Uganda, from bamboo plantation, and harvesting to treatment, collaborations and…

BAMBOO U - Mud Yurt

Building A Low-Cost Bamboo and Mud Yurt

Despite its humble nature, mud is an easily accessible resource that has proven its resilience…

The Building of Green Camp’s Cob Pizza oven

At Bamboo U we are experimenting and building with more than just bamboo. We believe…

The Kubu Connection

Bamboo U has been exploring various bamboo construction typologies and methods for the past few…

Building of the Green Camp Meditation Space

Originally a structural study of the new kitchen at the Bamboo U campus, Green Camp’s…